Major events, notable performances
Major events, notable performances
Major events, notable performances
The "A&S" Music Industry
The "A&S" Music Industry
Because of financial reasons, in 2009
the „A&S” Music Industry project
has been interrupted for an undecided period.
The „A&S” Music Industry has been established in 2003. It has the mission to support and promote the music compositions, which have been composed after the 1st of January 2000.
The politically independently functioning Industry consists of four sub workshops:
The XXI. Century Hungarian Music’s Singer Workshop
The XXI. Century Hungarian Music’s Instrumental Workshop
The XXI. Century Hungarian Music’s Choral Workshop
The XXI. Century Hungarian Music’s Orchestral Workshop
The Art Director of the „A&S” Music Industry is Mr. Laszlo Bartal, conductor of the Hungarian State Opera.
The Industry consists of several constant members, including talented students from Academies of Music (Budapest, Vienna) and active artists. The workshops and our initiation are functioning in the form of non-profit organisations.
We believe that there is interest towards Hungarian contemporary music also in foreign countries and that a common event organised together with the artists of the foreign country could be significant.
We are also open for contemporary music from different countries, and in collaborations, and common concerts of Hungarian and other county’s contemporary music.
For further information or details about the Industry, membership and international possibilities, please contact us.